I tried to avoid it but I must weight in here.
Gents, everyoen must think for themselves - no one is anyones mommy here - but come on guy. A man has got to have a little back bone and have his feet firmly planted in REALITY.
Sure we hobby - buts its just for fun and pleasure. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. If you are in this game for more then your crazy.
I read these posts about "I'm in Love" and I think - come on guy.
I realize that a lot of hobbyists are really just lonely unloved men that are lets say not exactly Brad Pitt in the looks department and are resorting to these activities trying to get what they are missing and yearning for love.
Even if that is the case it doesn't mean you should put your back bone and brain away when you hand the $$$ over and whip out Mr Happy.
Treating the ladies with respect and civility and having them be nice in return make for a fun session but it does not exactly make relationship.
Be a "MAN" for gods sake and get over it already. And if you can't then walk - no RUN - away.
Gents, everyoen must think for themselves - no one is anyones mommy here - but come on guy. A man has got to have a little back bone and have his feet firmly planted in REALITY.
Sure we hobby - buts its just for fun and pleasure. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. If you are in this game for more then your crazy.
I read these posts about "I'm in Love" and I think - come on guy.
I realize that a lot of hobbyists are really just lonely unloved men that are lets say not exactly Brad Pitt in the looks department and are resorting to these activities trying to get what they are missing and yearning for love.
Even if that is the case it doesn't mean you should put your back bone and brain away when you hand the $$$ over and whip out Mr Happy.
Treating the ladies with respect and civility and having them be nice in return make for a fun session but it does not exactly make relationship.
Be a "MAN" for gods sake and get over it already. And if you can't then walk - no RUN - away.