My question Is::
WITHOUT needing to mention names ( unless a PM- if U please)) I have a few questions about ALL Massage Experiences by massageplanet.neties!!!
HAVE U ever recived FS at a massage!??
Have U ever received a BJ at a massage??
IS it Possible to receive something of the above at ANY massage ???
Have U ever been able to DATY at a massage???
Have U ever felt Unrushed at a massage??
Have U ever been able to MSOG at a massage???
All the above questions are just for curiousity... and to know IT IS or IS NOT possible????
again POSSIBLE!!, in anyones experience that is....
Personally I figure... DO THE MATH... a Typical SP incall you can get away with $150... easy FS, BJ, Etc...
AT a massage My typical experience is 40 -- Room, 1/2 HR, + MINIMUM 60 - Nude--- + 20-50 Rev, BS, + 10-30 Tip... all in all 130 - 180 for 1/2 Hr, ONE release, and thats about it...
AGain, this is NOT to seem like PRYING for Privied information And Trust not LE, or SHILL, just a Real down to earth question that I thought fellow massageplanet.neties can help with!!!
If U feel safer in a PM,,,, OK!!
What R some of the best experiences fellow massageplanet.neties have had at a MP??
Do U all agree with the MATH... of SP... VS.. MP??
I know location plays a big part, me being from North of the city, is easier to get to an MP, but again feel better worth the SP...
WITHOUT needing to mention names ( unless a PM- if U please)) I have a few questions about ALL Massage Experiences by massageplanet.neties!!!
HAVE U ever recived FS at a massage!??
Have U ever received a BJ at a massage??
IS it Possible to receive something of the above at ANY massage ???
Have U ever been able to DATY at a massage???
Have U ever felt Unrushed at a massage??
Have U ever been able to MSOG at a massage???
All the above questions are just for curiousity... and to know IT IS or IS NOT possible????
again POSSIBLE!!, in anyones experience that is....
Personally I figure... DO THE MATH... a Typical SP incall you can get away with $150... easy FS, BJ, Etc...
AT a massage My typical experience is 40 -- Room, 1/2 HR, + MINIMUM 60 - Nude--- + 20-50 Rev, BS, + 10-30 Tip... all in all 130 - 180 for 1/2 Hr, ONE release, and thats about it...
AGain, this is NOT to seem like PRYING for Privied information And Trust not LE, or SHILL, just a Real down to earth question that I thought fellow massageplanet.neties can help with!!!
If U feel safer in a PM,,,, OK!!
What R some of the best experiences fellow massageplanet.neties have had at a MP??
Do U all agree with the MATH... of SP... VS.. MP??
I know location plays a big part, me being from North of the city, is easier to get to an MP, but again feel better worth the SP...