after my last fur!ous exper!ence @t Gh@tkop@r m@ll. Dec!ded to venture in th@ne as johny was left bare at gh@tkop@r . Tr!ed some cont@ct but to my luck most of them @re e!ther aged or costly. Tr!ed V!n!sh@ . She @sked me to tr@vel to gb. Ro@d. !nit!@lly she pretend to stubborn l@ter she gave exact loc@t!ons near V SAles off!ce.asked me to meet ne@r hotel beh!nd store. When f!rst we met , ! felt l!ke have seen h#r somewhere, she may be 28 to 30. anyw@y got !n hotel ! guess she !s regular v!s!tor. Had small ch!t ch@t st@rted main topic then started asking how u got cont@ctes where u from, bla bla .
Soon ! asked if we could h@ve bath together, Bathrum was shabby anyw@y my concentr@t!on w@s on her , had cold shower , not work!ng properly apple!d soap and and johny sp!tted soon the mood w@s off. anyway had some n!nce water fun and moved to bed after some 15 min ch!tch@t she st@rted sh@k!ng , teas!ng. soon the johny was half way , squ!zed her melomns limited k!sssng but no l!ps. got !n m!ss!on@ry. ! felt as !f i can last l@nger so asked her in st@nd!ng poi!t!on but could not m@ke !t !n st@nd!ng .asked her to bend @on bed edge st@rted hump!ng her. Johny aga!n sp!tted soon and ! lost control. felt it would h@ver been good if ! could l@st longer.
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