I’ve nvr found tipping 2b related 2

DFK. If yer clean & nice, brush

floss listerine, not hard 2 look @, it can happen if chemistry = right… & if those aren’t there, no amount of tipping helps!
Renee, Coco & Lucy just put their pussies

in my face.. I did not ask or hint, not really my thing back then… so also seems like unrelated 2 tipping…
NR = we give them msg… ofc we feel them up @ same time …
None of these elements = super hard 2 get @ other spas… I’m shur Lucy won’t xxpect xxxtra tip 4 DATY & NR… if yer gd, u might negotiate a discount!
… IMHO increase age should lead 2 more mileage & even cheaper xxxtras… not increased $$$. Anyone here got 20% pay raise? I can get 5 Lucy bs = $400 or only 4 f/ them … & she’s the best