You all make very good and valid points. I knew I was missing something and other things I just felt a need to confirm. I didn't mean to imply that nobody cares, although I suppose in essence that is how it came across.
Taz, I fully agree that reiterating the same sentiments over and over would be redundant, but I tend to look at it like a consensus of the majority who condemn such acts as pathetic and inhuman. If that standard is set then it just may be somewhat of a deterrent or awaken some insight, if, in fact, any individual is present who may be tempted to act on their desires in the future. I'm probably dreaming, as usual ... I would hope that to be the case as well Rev, but I'm not sure how feasible bringing LE into it would be, given the circumstances or even how much legitimacy they would give to the situation with it being an MPA.
I mentioned it as an after thought earlier in this thread, that I get the impression there is a general mentality that sees such acts as "less" of a "violation" or more "acceptable" given the fact it is an MPA. I'm in no way saying that is everyones outlook, but I think that mindset does exist. There is no difference. It is a violation if it is against her will. There is no grey area in respect to that. I dunno, Oh Henry, you articulated that pretty damn well. I think you hit one of the nails right on the head, Hornet, and I get a feeling many threads which pertain to the negative side of hobbying have this effect. And yes, this subject does cause me to re-evaluate. Not such a bad thing. One of the things that bothered me is that there may be the ostrich phenomena at work.
That's partly what bothered me as well. People tend not to empathise with "faceless victims" in general, but if this thread had been about one of the top MPA's at one of the top spas, I'm pretty sure all hell would have been broken loose and there would be no doubt that as a collective group of males has no tolerance and looks down on such bullshit. ( however, inconsequential that may or may not be ) You are right, Happy, and I didn't mean to come across as patronising or give them less credit than they are due. No doubt they are aware of the risks and many do find the strength to deal with the situation and/or the emotional aspect. I still find it sad that it's an issue at all. It's one thing to detach oneself voluntarily ( which some do to varying degrees ) from something that was a personal decision, but to have to deal with shit imposed upon you against your will is another story.
Possibly spas that do not have a BBG on staff or a built guy of any other hair colour for that matter should consider it, if indeed that is a concern of the girls.