I just got back from a Toronto MP with said MPA, and all I have to say is Sham-Wow, was it awful. I arrive a little early as this place has very little to no parking (it's right beside a Timmies and an unusually busy Blockbuster).
As I successfully make my stealthy entrance I had difficulty confirming my appointment with the receptionist. She spoke very little English and her rudeness did not help at all. Finally after clearing the mix-up she escorted me to a chamber right by the drafty entrance. I didn't know they had 'themed' rooms, but apparently the room was decorated in the "Janitor Closet Motif" - it wasn't even consistent - there was a plant in there. Not only was there no door knob, but the cracked paint and the poorly hidden cameras in the vent and the ficus tree didn't help. The receptionist points to the sink with the tap she just started and said, "You shower here!". I move the mop aside and start rinsing with the freezing cold water.
Well onto the session:
Having waited 25 minutes after my "bum-shower", said MPA walks in and looks intoxicated [Disclaimer: Just kidding..........just kidding]. After getting a good look at her, I now get her massageplanet.net handle --> She's Siamese Twins!!! Now, I'm thinking this is gonna be fun, however; all it became was a realization of the two different personalities I see here on the forum. One head is jaded from bad clients she's had and the other is the optimistic one looking at the good in everyone and wishing to provide great sessions. Anyhow, the massage was alright if you're into pinching and karate chops to the back. I did mention I wanted a firm massage, but I really wasn't there for that anyways.
The NR portion was pleasant as my body was taking a break from the squeezing and tugging at my nipples. I eventually got to explore her body but she kept reaching back awkwardly as she lay on her stomach - very annoying.
I had already been annoyed before our session started as she was up-selling me to a mysterious "Super VIP Session" All I asked for was a BS, but she wanted the money up front and she didn't take $50's. I had to dress back up and go outside to the ATM and pull out some fresh twenties.
I could go on but you get the gist of it...
Personally I don't like the rating system but for those who quantify things:
Face: 10/10 (5 for each head)
Body: 9.5 (No complaints here, nice T&A)
Technique: 6.666666667 (She is irrational!)
Release: 3.1415926535898 (I don't want to mention this for fear of banishment)
Attitude: 5 (Definitely some attitude, at least from one of the heads)
A Massage Parlour Somewhere
My message is that I'm with Strummer here, many have probably built her up so high, that some guys are definitely dreaming up some fantasy reviews for themselves.
Gotta love the mystique that comes along your her identity though - You're my "Siamese Dream" LOL.
Apologies if I've offended anyone, as I haven't had a session in a while and I'm just bored and having some fun.