About moderate alcohol use ? Fuck , yeah bro !!
I am an alcoholic . Lemme tell you bud , how it started . it all started for me from 3 - 4 beers a week , then 5 beers a week , then 8 , then 10, then drinking twice a day (

fucking CDC) , then 3 times a day, then in the morning and in the evening , then you add some liquor into equation , then drinking no stop for a week.. then here I am . And I 'm only 29 !!! 29 , FOR FUCK SAKE !!!!
I ' m lucky for still having a roof over my head being really good at what I do and make some decent cash regardless . Though first 3 weeks of being sober were fucking hell for me that I wish to no one !! Fucking hallucinations , tremors, non stop shits , arhythmia panick attacks ..
Yeah , go for it . You 'll probably be fine . But no one is completely out of that zone bro . And this in precisely why some may say that you may be on a very , very , FUCKING VERY thin ice here .
peace out yo