Hi fellow massageplanet.netites!! Just thought I'd update you guys on how my 1st wk of work went...
Well, like usual, I was late for my 1st day of work. Since I already used the "got lost, couldn't find the place" excuse the last time when I went for the interview, I figured I couldn't use that excuse again. So what did I do? I used the #1 excuse found in "The Whacker's Handbook of Excuses for Being Late":
Boss: You're late.
Me: I know, I'm so sorry. I was actually early this morning
but just when I was about to leave the house, my
"thing" came and I had to....
Boss: (turning beet red) Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... It's
O.K., don't worry about it. There's already a client for
you, just go get changed.
Me: (thinking: Awesome!! Got away with being late
again!! All except I can't use the same excuse 'til next
I swear, I don't know what it is about "the thing" and men, it's so funny... they just don't want to hear about it. I think I gave my poor boss a heart attack. He seems like such a shy man,... easily embarrassed. I'll have to keep that in mind.
Anyways, so far, I LOVE the place. The boss is SO nice to me!! And the place is BUSY, BUSY!!! I had 14 clients the 1st day, and 11 the 2nd day. I didn't even have time to buy food and U know what, every time I mentioned I was hungry, when I come out of the room, my boss had bought me food!! I have NEVER worked for such a nice boss in my life!! And the commission is way better than the $10 I was getting at my old place. And the clients are totally AWESOME!! There's no BS, BJ or FS allowed at the place which is fine with me, but with the exception of 3 clients, EVERY SINGLE CLIENT tipped me at least $10 or more!!! A few of them gave me an extra $20 or $40 for NOTHING!!! I couldn't believe it. I would've NEVER guessed!! The clients there are SO upscale. Why didn't I find this place before??
Well, I'm not going to tell U how much I made those 2 days but let's just say that I can finally say bye-bye to my homemade cardboard box and phone book I've been using as my dining table. (I know, it's pretty pathetic)
The funny thing is, the boss charges different prices for all the clients. He advertises one price which he charges the new clients. For the regulars, he gives them a $5 discount. For his friends, he gives them a $10 discount. Well, I don't really care since he gives me the same commission anyways. Honestly, it makes me mad now when I think about how my ex-bosses before tried to take away our commission. A few times, they talked about how they're going to keep the whole $40 and us girls get nothing, just the tips. But b/c everyone objected, they didn't do it. So now, I can't believe I found this guy who's SO nice to me, giving me such good commission AND buying food!! Now, I'm just scared that it's not going to last because maybe those LE people will find us and give us trouble. I hope not!!! I'd rather never see that cute cop guy (or LE guy) again if it means I can keep this job here!! [Besides, I don't even remember how he looks like anymore!! I'm kinda like Kelly Bundy (Married...With Children). Everytime, I learn something new, something old gets lost. (Can't remember which episode that was from) So memory of how those LE people looks like is fading pretty quickly. Besides, this is a different spa now so probably different LE people. Plus, lately, I heard it's 2 LE women going around the area I'm working in. Gosh, THAT must be easy to spot!!]
So anyways, no complaints at all SO FAR with the place. Only thing is... the boss keeps on calling me "Ginger" and the girl I work with keeps on calling me "Chilli". I have no idea why since my new name sounds nothing like those 2 names.
And the whole different prices for different customers thing makes me laugh. It reminds me of how I was when I first started this business. There was no set prices except for the DF at this one place I was working at. So the other girl and I had different prices everyday. One time, a customer said to me, "last time I was here, you only charged me $80". I had to think fast so I said, "Yeah, you must've came on a Monday. Today's Friday. " Well, he paid up anyways.
Since this boss is SOOOO good to me, I'll try not to screw things up. I WAS on time for my 2nd day of work so that's good. Plus, so far, he seems happy with me too. He asked several of the clients how they found me and they all said I gave a great massage and was very nice. And the girl I work with... (there's only 2 girls a day... small spa!! I'm going to be working with her both shifts) she's absolutely gorgeous so there's definitely going to be no jealousy going on. And we get along so good already. So hopefully, I've found myself a new place to settle down!!