New to Stone Massage
Hi vchild,
I turn it on about an hour before my client arrives so they're nice warm. They should be at about 250 degrees.
If they're too hot when you take them out, you can spray it with witch hazel or alcohol to cool it down fast.
I am really hoping that you are reccommending that the brand of roaster you are using needs to be set to 250 degrees. If the rocks or the water are that hot, you are in for BIG trouble and third degree burns.
Vchild, all joking aside from before... I never took a hot stone course. I booked a couple of hot stone massages for myself, bought 2 different videos & after lots of practice & feedback from close friends & family, I offered it in my menu. My hot stone work is unique to me, based on the same principles as the videos I watched, but all my own. I use the heated stones as a continuum of my own work.
I am not required (by my insurance nor my licensure) to have certification for each modality I use, but that is really something that everyone should check out for themselves. There are some things that are not covered by my insurance policy though (ear candling, etc).
Just keep asking away. Even though I ribbed you about "cooking", this is the place you should feel most comfortable in going to for advice.
Clean your stones really well with a scrub brush & very hot soapy water. Rinse them very well & let them dry. What those stones went through by way of nature's forces is far worse than a little baked on product scum. No worries. You may or may not have burned your roaster beyond healthful & pleasant circumstances. Only you will be able to tell.
Here's what I do as I am introducing the hot stone to each body part: I apply lotion/oil with my hands (the client perceives luke-warm or body temp to warm). Then I oil the stones & move them in my hands like a bar of soap, drawing some heat off them for an intermediately warm stroke or two. Lastly I apply the hot stone in massage strokes, making sure it moves constantly at first. I am always checking with the client if they feel the temp is right for them. Heat tolerance is very individual.
Just keep practicing & you'll have a great new service to offer your new and established clients!
All the best!