Well-Known Member
I agree. I rarely get asked to pay first but don’t have a problem if a girl asks for it. I don’t see what the big deal is. If you want a specific service then why not pay for it. The lady is more at risk of getting ripped off than the customer. If you pay and she doesn’t provide the service Yuki will look after you. This may not be the case at all spas, but at OM there is no reason to be concerned about paying first. I’m sure the ladies who ask have been ripped off in the past and are just trying to protect themselves.There is nothing wrong to ask payment upfront. By the way from my experience Yuki you or reception were always ask me to pay room fee before session and not after while I was really regular and generous in OM. Never had payment issues. Those ladies are coming to work ,make money to survive and in most cases help to family backhome. There are so many dishonest people around who got service and don't pay. The boss should be more care about girls who make fortune for her and not only costumers.This is my opinion