Alas the pain and arrows of time, he doth march on and crush us all beneath the wheels of his eternal chariot.
I wish I could turn back the clock to 2004 too lol.
That said, I know what you (the OP) mean about girls one sees once a year or less getting older. I was browsing Facebook last year and found the profile of a civilian girl I went out with a couple of times when we were both teenagers - she was so hot back then and I was crushed when she wasn't interested in me sexually. Well, whoa - she didn't age well at all...her pic on Facebook is damn scary and I wouldn't want to go near her now. Of course it probably took a while for her to get from point A to point B, but crap! Other girls my age have aged much better and some still look pretty good now, but some look not so good. Age is a bitch.