Just thought i would toss this in. I have seen Paris, a few times now. Reviewed her previously. She ranks up there with alot of the fun ones imho. She is 22-23ish, keep that in mind, and does a great job at what she does, but you have to direct (only thing that sets her apart from some other fun ones, Christina@Pl or Amber@Allure); if you direct (and she lets you) it can be quite fun... paris at 25-26ish...if she is around and unjaded (ie finds a way to stay the fairly sweet chic that she is) will be killer if she starts tossing you around...
then again, YMMV (as Monica@SRM once told me, WE chose them, they don't chose us (she was probably tossing me a hint as too what was acceptable and what was not). Keeping that in mind, has always led me to have very fun times the vast majority of time in the rooms.
On a side not and in keeping with the post.
Saw Paris today in the double shower room...
Paris + Shower = (me still with the stupid grin 4hours later) and the girl at home reapin' the benefits of me in a stupid great horney mood...