Rayne @ Muse - Receptionist

Jack Sparrow. I like your post.

Here are some of my thoughts on this thread.
1) I was there that day, not in the evening, and it was already crazy. There was an absolutely uncontrollable situation that set the whole schedule back by 45 minutes and Rayne deftly handled it and all the fallouts that followed with grace, but I could see it was eating her up inside.
2) I understand it was even busier during the evening than it was during the day. Kudos to Muse for a successful celebratory open house, but that makes for an overwhelming crowd to manage. It's amazing to me that any appointments were kept after the delay caused by the afternoon interuption.
Enough about the logistical challenge of the day and evening. Let's just say that understandably, that didn't help Rayne's ability to be at her best.

Now, I'd like to comment on the client bashing aspect of this post.
As Jack Sparrow and others alluded to, we're not a bunch of angels nor are we always easy to deal with.
Rayne spoke with me about this incident either the next day or a few days later when I saw her. She was extremely upset with herself for having done what she did. She didn't deny speaking badly about a client. She actually came to me to unload and clear her conscience about it. She was not only upset with herself, but she was genuinely ashamed about her behaviour. If there was any way she could have gone back to undo her wrong , she would have.
It takes a big person to admit that they've made a mistake and I tip my hat to her for doing so.
It doesn't make what she did right, but I can tell you that she learned a life lesson that day and that's one mistake she'll never make again.

As most of you know, I'm often at Muse and have therefore had the opportunity to see Rayne in action on a number of occasions. She faces some real challenging characters, both at the door and on the phone and always does a great job of knowing how to respond appropriately. Sometimes soft, friendly and flirty and sometimes firm and business like, but always politely representing Muse.
So, on the day in question, she made an error in judgement and now she's been publicly called out on it. I'm willing to bet that we've all made a mistake at work at one time or another and that the issue was dealt with in a reasonably discreet manner. IMHO, dragging this incident out here for all to see is unnecessary. A call or PM to Riley or Emily would have been more than sufficient.
Trust me when I tell you that Rayne has punished herself enough over this and that was even before this thread was posted.

I can only imagine how devastated she feels now.
TheMechanic's latest post just proves why this thread needs to be deleted. He's escalated his original complaint into name-calling, suggestions of impropriety, and dramatic exaggeration of the original facts.

This is not about real and honest reviews. This is about an anonymous individual repeatedly disparaging the professionalism and character of an identifiable individual. It's easy to argue that SP's are generally aware their strengths and weaknesses will be reviewed and discussed publicly. In this day and age, it's part of their career choice. But I highly doubt that any receptionist at any spa considered themselves subject to the same treatment when they signed up.

Take a moment to consider Rayne's feelings. It's not like the phone person at an escort agency who gets ripped for being incompetent or rude. Customers never meet those people. They too are anonymous. But Rayne has to see each and every customer in person, knowing that virtually all of them have read these unflattering descriptions of her.

TheMechanic ought to get over himself and acknowledge his reluctance to consider this matter settled is now verging on abusive.
You really have a poor sense of self thinking that anyone who debates or disagrees with you is getting freebies that's just sad on your part. In your business, how do handle unsatisfied clients? Do you kiss their ass and bitch about it later? Do you ask your unsatisfied clients to meet with you and come to a resolution before they go to the BBB, etc.

Did you go home and rant to your SO (if you have one, probably not, right) about the poor service at the MP that offered free doorfee?
As my Mom used to say, certain things in life are very "character revealing." This thread is one of them...

I was just thinking about those old 10 page Tarah threads. It was impossible to take your eyes off those train wrecks! LOL
More and more members of the anti-Muse fanboy wolfpack are speaking out, i.e. those who are in favour of honest and accurate reviews, and those are who are against white knights, fanboys, shills, and those seeking free door fees from Muse. As the over 3000 members who've viewed this thread can see, the fanboys try to censor honesty and integrity and try to defend the indefensible because of their vested interest in the mp. Unfortunately for the white knights, the bashing, intimidation, and attempts at censorship of honest and accurate reviews will not fly, we will stand against it and we won't back down.

What kind of a spa would defend a receptionist who trashes their customers behind their back? Someone needs to remind the owners of Muse that it's the customers who keep their business afloat, and it's the customers who pay their bills. To correct Emily and Riley, it's not Rayne, (the receptionist who trashes customers behind their back and who doesn't honour appointments) who is the most important asset of your business, no, it's the very customers who you've gone against who are the most important part of your business. Rayne has driven away more business than she's created, and as owners, by defending her indefensible actions I'm quite certain that you've driven away even more customers than her, customers who are disgusted and appalled at your lack of respect for them. The customers you've shunned have many other options out there, it's a competitive industry, Muse is not the only option as the members of the Muse fanboy wolfpack have tried to imply. It's a bright day for all of the customers who've been mistreated, we can't tell you how to run your business, but we can rise up and protest your poor customer service with our wallets by taking our business elsewhere, as so many in this thread have already done.
Keep track of what you write HOF, you're contradicting your posts. you blasted the OP because Rayne isn't an MPA or SP now it's ok?
If it weren't for the integrity of massageplanet.net and women willing to accept our money, we the members would have to get sex the old fashioned way by actually communicating with women on a meaningful level. This thread proves there is no intelligent life on massageplanet.net.
I appreciate all of the support that I've received from the massageplanet.net members who expect honest, accurate, and truthful reviews. It looks like the Muse fanboy wolfpack and white knights have been defeated and have backed down. Over 5000 members have witnessed this historic event unfold, and hopefully this will set a precedent for future threads on this forum.
It was overly busy and chaotic. I was one of those that came, couldn't see any MPA and left after 10 min. I'm sure that's great for promoting the business, but a frustrating waste of time for many potential clients. But hey, who gives a shit, right? We're just walking bags of cash.

Disagree. In my own experience, that hasn't work well here. Let the man speak, fanboys.
Westjet sucks balls, they have the worst inflight entertainment system...AirCanada all the way!
Thank you. Well said. Too many cry babies out there. Funny the winiest ones are usually the most difficult to deal with.
Ok so I stand corrected that you don't post in every Muse thread. Hmmm. you've been there twice yet you blasted the OP (Mechanic) as though his words are pure blasphemy? I've read a lot of reviews about the spas i frequent and although I have favorites in those spa. I'm not surprise if someone doesn't have as good time as i had. Again, receptionist or anything in the spa should be worth mentioning either it's negative or positive.

3. Differing points of view are welcomed as long as everyone acts with the appropriate respect and decorum. Yes, tempers may be raised but remember to act like responsible adults.

5. No abuse, name calling, derogatory statements or insults that are not OBVIOUSLY given and received with good humor will be tolerated. You have done this to Rayne (employee not sp/mpa), muse owners, several board members and accusing falsely myself and others of seeking freebies.

11. massageplanet.net no longer accepts reviews of UNLISTED escorts or MPAs. This is legally a grey area and exposes this site to some considerable risk. Numbers/names etc. have to be advertised either on the internet via their own webpage and/or the newspaper classifieds. If they are not currently advertising, their reviews will not be permitted here on massageplanet.net. This includes discussion of the so called 'street scene.'
Rayne is not an SP or MPA. Should she even be discussed?

15. All threads are public. You can't control who may post in them. Please do not try.
Neither you or I can control what is posted unless it is inflammatory and a moderator is notified. See also #3 & #5.

Discussion and reviews regarding services are great, but you've attacked someone because you errored in leaving the waiting room when it was a busy shift. Shame on you! Then, you publicly berate the owners, the receptionist and members for your own lack of common sense and not staying inside in case your number was called. That's called transference and not accepting responsibility for your own actions. Shame on you.

Seriously, you could have gone around the corner or across the street and been taken care of.

Accurate and truthful according to you! By your own admission, you were eavesdropping on the ladies in the staff lounge. Shame on you! You allege that 5 others left and muse will lose business if they don't listen to you. Ironically, you attempt to cut her slack by saying maybe she's having a bad day in paragraph four.

I'm not sure if she was having a bad day, or she was stressed because of the high traffic of customers on that day, or if it's because that's how she acts when her bosses Emily and Riley are not around. Whatever the case may be, she doesn't fit the image that Muse is trying to portray, and I'm sure she'll be disciplined appropriately by the owners.

Post 4 you say: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who heard her. Well, did anyone else hear it or was it voices inside your head?
Credibility on an ERB is not the goal of a lifetime. This entire industry is YMMV. You're more than welcome to place me on ignore.
Gettysburg was historic, Inchon was historic, Hue was historic, you get my drift.
I'm not surprised when someone isn't satisfied either; however, Mechanic is venting his side which is fine, but anyone can question his motives or comment their views.

Let's see in this thread there have been numerous accusations that I seek freebies or WK for muse. None of these are true. For crying out loud, one comment claims that I'm jealous because I don't have disposable income. I hobby as often as I want and finances are not a concern.

Hey mentioning the reception anywhere is fine. If you're not happy, simply say that. There is no reason to carry on, and who really cares what is said behind closed doors. Get in, Get off & Get out! Is anyone really here to make friends? The ladies desire income and the clients desire orgasm.
If Mechanic is such an astute business owner, why did he not contact Muse (E & R) and discuss the matter privately and come to a mature resolution. I have no vested interested in any Agency, MP or Indy; however, several members seem to think that I do. It's not the case believe what you want. Really, Mechanic discredited himself in post 1 assuming that everyone will believe his word as gospel, and he continued with 24 subsequent posts. Seinfeld was a sitcom about nothing, well so is this thread.

As for me always doing this, at least I'm consistent!

Oh, Mechanic, I'll apologize for calling you a whiner. I should have wrote -------------. There are 3 vowels wanna buy one?
Curious as to why you put so much effort into posting on ERBs if you don't care whether people buy what you say. More to the point, if you don't care about post credibility, why are you here? Are you admitting that you advocate as a WK without pretense of objectivity or independence?

Life is YMMV. So what?

Wasn't aware that "ignore" required mutual consent.
  1. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's a sneak peek of tomorrow's schedule: On Monday March 3, 2025, our attendants will be Mia 🔥, Sandy 🤗, Vicky 🍑, Ivy 🥰, and Sophie 😘 Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  2. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Sunday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💓 Bella, Kim (new), Mia, Crystal, Michelle, Yumi and Alice 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  3. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Sexy Sunday 💜💖 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakville✨ Your passport to paradise with 9 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — ]Tina, Eva, busty Sophia, JPN Yui, Suki, Doris, 34D Cici, Julie, Tiffany & Coco🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  4. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day Slim Sexy Korean Sanny, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  5. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time
  6. pinklips:
    No.1 Call Girls Service in Mumbai by Pink Lips - https://pinklips.co.in
  7. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Doris ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Tina ,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄🈵🈵👅👅🦵🦵
  8. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Anika , Student pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Michelle,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella, Taiwan girl DD Boobs Thai deep massage lily,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899👄👄👅👅🈵🈵🦵🦵
  9. New spring spa@:
    🌹🌹🌹sexy hot Philippine 💖 💖 Singapore 💖 💖 Korean girls 👍working at Nu spring spa💋💋☎️416-669-8508🌹🌹🌹
  10. wonderspa:
    🌺welcome to wonder spa☎️416-5000-800,L6a4H8,open10 to10.we have 4young beautiful girls working everyday,Ensuit shower available 🍅, friendly nice girl Sunny providing deep tissue to relax massage and nice body slide🍅joey is very good looking,big breasted sweet sensual touch,amazing message open mind,very popular girl,must try🔥🌹give you comfortable time🌹many more
  11. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today, young pretty Lily 25’s with curve body open mind and young fun Ivy 36DD with big buttocks 30’s open mind, Sexy Coco and cute GFE Ella are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 4163985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  12. AliceSpa:
    SUNDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Amazingly Hot Top Girls Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm: ARIEL (12pm-7pm; CALL TO CONFIRM,) student from India , busty and juicy ass. Young and beautiful, working to earn some tuition. DD cup, curvy body , movie star face , 5'5", sweet , always smiling , Play with you like a little girl.
  13. SugarLoveSpa:
    Sunday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: ANA, CINDY & HELLEN. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York ANA is a young, short and sweet lady, 5’1 & 105 Lbs, very tight, with a small to medium booty. Ana is a versatile honey who provides great massage, & can accommodate your needs. CINDY is a cute Vietnamese girl, 5’1” with D Cups, great bj skills, and excellent services.
  14. Sparkling Spa:
    Sparkling Spa Sultry Nympho Susan is working wiith Sweet Korean Emily today. Real pictures of Susan& Emily💯💯Call or text to book appointment 📲 ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave)
  15. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Yoyo and Mandy work
  16. HollywoodSpa:
    Sunday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: JUDY & YUKI ☎416-222-5554☎ JUDY is friendly and attractive. Come give her a try. YUKI is a slim & exiting, happy lady. Nice massage & services available. When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care and your visit will be a fulfilling one. Nice Massage, Young Pretty Girls. We have Chinese, Japanese, Korean &...
  17. ForeverWarden:
    Sunday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Bobo, Vivian & Cindy. Bobo is a small, slim and sexy lady, petite with all natural busty melons for your enjoyment. Vivian is an attractive slim Vietnamese honey with C Cups, who can sweeten your day with daty, bj and cfs Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups
  18. HolidaySpa:
    Sunday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: Jenny & Suki. Jenny has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy. PEACH is a slim and sultry Chinese lady with nice peaches. SUKI is a sexy lady, short with big boobs, medium massage & nice services.
  19. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘 Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time
  20. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek : On Sunday March 2, 2025, our attendants will be Ada 🥰, Cici 😘, Lucy ❤️, Ivy 🤗 and Christina 🔥 Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  21. qwertypoiuy:
    Ken are Albee and Iris the same ?
  22. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Doris ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Lala,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄👅👅🈵🈵🦵🦵
  23. Moneylee:
    Full season Wellness center: New Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Lucky, Student big boobs buttocks Vicky ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Anjoo , young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Linda ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 🏠 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  24. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Saturday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💇 Kim (new), Nora, Michelle, Suki, Jojo, Yumi and Candy 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  25. New spring spa@:
    💖💖💖sexy hot 🌹 🌹 Indian 🌹🌹Singapore 🌹🌹korean girls🌹 🌹working 💗💗at markham ☎️416-669-8508💓💓💓
  26. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Rebecca🌸Daisy🌸Hellen🌸Anna🌸Ely Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  27. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨ Looking for a relaxing escape? ✅ Click Here Meet🌸Tina🌸Valentina🌸VivianCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now ☎ 289 - 298 - 5662☎️ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! ✨
  28. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day Slim Sexy Korean Sanny, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  29. HollywoodSpa:
    Saturday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: COCO & SISI. ☎416-222-5554☎ COCO is an attractive attendant with nice massage skills & good services. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5’2”, with a beauty ass, excellent massage, and amazing services. Come and see why she is so popular. When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care and your visit will be fulfilling
  30. ForeverWarden:
    Saturday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Lika, Sara & Cindy. Lika is our new JAPANESE girl. Come & have a taste of the exotic. Sara is young & slim with nice C Cups, trim waist, sexy bum and long hair. She is vary friendly uses her assets well. Tracy is an incredibly cute & pretty Japanese/Taiwanese mixed spinner
  31. SugarLoveSpa:
    Saturday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: ANA, LUNA & SARA ANA is a young, short and sweet lady, 5’1 & 105 Lbs, very tight, with a small to medium booty. Ana is a versatile honey who provides great massage, & can accommodate your needs. LUNA is a slim, VERY PETITE and capable Vietnamese beauty, nice natural 34C Cups. Luna can do everything. SARA is a beautiful Thai lady with C Cups, 160 Cms
  32. wonderspa:
    🌺welcome to wonder spa☎️416-5000-800,L6a4H8,open10 to10.we have 4young beautiful girls working everyday,Ensuit shower available 🍅,new friendly nice girl CiCi,providing deep tissue to relax massage and nice body slide🍅Amy is Vietnamese very good looking,big breasted sweet sensual touch,amazing massage,strong to relax,must try😍🔥many more
  33. HolidaySpa:
    Saturday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: MAGGIE & NANA. Kelly is slim and attractive with very slight curves, all natural coconuts, a nice bum, and rockin’ services. Maggie is sweet, slim and very talented. New Girl, details to follow... 🌴😎🌅HOLIDAY SPA🌅😎🌴 3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4 (Kennedy Rd & Steeles Ave E)
  34. Jenny’s Spa:
  35. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young beautiful girls are working today, young sweetheart Michelle 25’s with curve body open mind and young fun Yoyo 36DD with big buttocks open mind, Sexy Coco and cute GFE Lina are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 4163985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  36. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Judy😘🔥Our new Asian massage girl Judy is a vision of refined sensuality, with a graceful figure and smooth, flawless skin that radiates warmth and allure. Her striking black hair frames her delicate features, and her poised elega
  37. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Kiki and Mia work
  38. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹2 new girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl Ivy big boobs 36DD 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Anna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking
  39. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek: For Saturday March 1, 2025, our attendants will be Opal 🤗, Vicky 🔥, Lucy ❤️, Ivy 🥰 and Sophie 😘 Enjoy! And call 905-479-6668 to book!
  40. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day Slim Sexy Korean Sanny, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  41. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Mia ,young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Vivi,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Yoyo,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry 🏠address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄🈵🈵🦵🦵👅👅
  42. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Ivy , Young girl pretty face big boobs nice figure deep massage Jessica ,Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts May, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary . 🏠 2560 Shepard Ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 👄👄🈵🈵🦵🦵👅👅
  43. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Friday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💇 Suki, Jojo, Mia, Yumi, Sunny, Michelle and Candy 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  44. New spring spa@:
    ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥sexy hot busty 🌸Latino 🌸Japanese 🌸Korean 🌸girls working at Markham ☎️416-669-8508❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
  45. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl Cherry (Student)😘😘“charming breasts.”beautiful curvy hips.”very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️ You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  46. hiyamickey:
    7 girls working at Reinella wellness, Address:6262 hwy7 unit #1 Vaughan, ☎️:905-851-4888
  47. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Friday Happy Happy!!!💖 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakville ✨ Your passport to paradise with 10 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — 🆕36D Flora, Eva, Tina, Coco, busty Cici, JPN Yui, Happy, Echo, Coco & Yoyo— pamper yourself🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  48. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAYV🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING -Superstar Horny MILF Susan is working with Service Queen Jennifer today
  49. AliceSpa:
    FRIDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. Alice spa has 3 very hot girls today. Open 10am to 9pm: AMY: is a young, petite short & slim Taiwanese, former dance instructor, firm natural B Cups, pretty face, firm natural titis, super play good, bbbj, cim, rim, dfk, all services. EMILY : is a NEWLY ARRIVED Vietnamese girl, young, slim, small petite body
  50. HollywoodSpa:
    Friday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: MICELLE, SISI & TRACY. ☎416-222-5554☎ MICHELLE is small and sexy, with nice massage and services. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5’2”, with a beauty ass, excellent massage, and amazing services. Come and see why she is so popular. TRACY is a slim, taller & pretty lady, very friendly with an extensive menu.