So… wow.
I tried the above.
It so totally worked!
… always wanted 2 try Marilyn, such a pretty tall girl w amazing slim figure… but there I was, on my way home, shot my bolt… tired but drained & happy…
Lucy says, go on, just try her… Marilyn’s cheap, just $40 tip, hj 4 the road

So, I went 4 it… no regrets…
Marlyns kinda surprised… “… u already saw girls here… yer not tired?”
I told her, it’s ok, let’s just take it slow hunney…
… & I did just what I said 2 do… flirting, relaxing, happy … she’s laffing, me2…
… discovered that while boobies stay hidden, touching legs = ok…
Me ≠ leg man…
I like every part of a woman! … but she’s got fabulous amazing legs, OMG!!! This 5’7 girl, ex model w long long legs, has almost no leg hair… I had her bring her legs up close… just peach fuzz, naturally smooth legs… so sexy…
… told her if I do something makes u uncomfortable, just speak up, I won’t get upset… & my

hands kept roaming … she didn’t resist at any point, even leaned into me…
Really uniquely beautiful body, I’m so pleased seeing her… such a slim tiny tight bod, rare 2c anywhere, even a beach

, nvr mind a spa…
… she luved talkng about my dick

…then she added some amazing dirty talk, told me next visit, boobies come out, then next visit, naked, then next visit, she’ll b my gf!
Not sure if that’s fantasy talk or a promise… it shur seemed like a promise!
Ended up tipping her

$60, & she earned it.