Dunno, but Im trusting what a few other guys reported.
... I didn't get the $$$ upgrade offer, she told me come back & she'd offer "boobies"

n... The boobies in this cartoon

= much larger than hers...
... and if I repeated again, fully nude, and if I repeated again, she'd b my gf!
Anyway, I nvr repeated since she changed her hrs... but she prefers if u repeat... I think she asks $100 if u wanna see her topless on 1st visit, but dunno, she only told me to come back... repeat visits = way more $$$ than the upgrade, eh? If I repeat, she gets part of rm fee & entire tip again plus I may become her reg. But anyway...
... I nvr repeated, so I dunno

, but I doubt she's so popular doing fully clothed hj... those guys booking her likely getting allotta fun... some ex-Cecelia clients switched over, & we know Cecelia = cute nice & gd chance of a bit more mileage than fully clothed hj... so I'm assuming Marilyn has 2b offering @ least that 2 repeat clients.