I saw Sophie just b4 I saw Olivia… ofc since Sophie took care of me

, the fact Olivia does no xxxtras ≠ problem …
I recognized Olivia immediately since she looks allot like the GIF Bellagio posted beside her name
Sophie herself = very very slim…

I feel like I could put my hands around her waist and my thumbs & fingers would meet… they don’t, but geez, very close!
So Sophie’s very very slim… & I saw Olivia & Sophie beside each other, Olivia’s definitely slimmer… ofc unlike Sophie, yer not gonna get a chance 2c this close up…
When I say petite, I don’t mean short, I mean skinny w small frame, how fashion uses the word…

Olivia’s taller than Sophie but she wears heels, so I felt she’s actually not that tall… quite a pretty face 2 but I didn’t get 2 enjoy her gd looks as I’m facedown the whole time