Known Reviewer
Holy fuck're bat shit crazy!!! For real!!.Listen, 1of1 says he saw a scar on Lucy.
You pretend to be a hobbyist. You pretend you’ve seen Lucy.
But you talk to 1of1 as if he is a legitimate reviewer. If you were not trying to cause trouble , you would identify that obvious fake detail right away. Instead, you reinforce it. Over and over.
All these Shangri-La IDs, 1of1, jumpinjackoff and yourself, you all are her to cause trouble.
It is so obvious. Shame on you.
The only person that could drum up a scenario like that is an deviant evil mind. You're nuts!!!!
From the beginning the only problem that I had was with you lol. Never with Bellagio or any other spa.
Now you have people calling out your BS descriptions and reviews.
I could refer to many of you reviews and descriptions and rip them to shreds, but that means I'd insult the ladies and I don't want to do that.
You pissed me off once before enough that I did insult the girls. I soon after deleted it. Then you came up with some fucked up reason why I deleted it. Honestly can't keep up with your paranoid crazy bullshit
I have seen 80 % of the ladies at Bellagio.
Many people take offence to you. It's not just me. What's the common denominator?