I don't want to restate what I have already said, but now I am being called a liar by some random named Ballsonfire. I stand by what I said. On my life Lucy has a scar on her stomach exactly as I described it. Seeing it in person is what reminded me of Spawarrior99 saying it over and over again in his arguments with the lying shill xtc27, and him denying it every time. Any honest man can go verify this in person. If you see Lucy naked or in her bra and panties and you look at her stomach up close around her bellybutton, you will see it. Anyone that says no such scar exists is either a bald-faced liar, or an old man that has a problem seeing clearly in dimly lit rooms. This is not me being rude, or leaving a harsh review. I have no reason to fabricate such a detail, and I am not affiliated with any spa, but a hobbyist that visits different spas like most of you.
For the record, I did find her to be pretty as I already stated, just not as pretty as I was led to believe. I went in expecting cheerleader hot body and face, and that's simply not her. She was also great to talk to so it wasn't all bad, but I was underwhelmed. I wasn't as peeved as you might think about the no kissing part of the session. That was a footnote at the end of the day, but it certainly didn't help. I was mainly irritated with how all the shills in this thread, led by xtc27, over-hyped and exaggerated several aspects of the overall experience with "superstar" Lucy.
It seems that many people agree with the sentiment that xtc27 exaggerates a lot, lies his butt off when he has to, and shills for this spa, so why am I the one being called a liar? Why is what I said so hard to believe? The scar is there, and xtc27 repeatedly lied about it. End of story. Many people reading this in their heart of hearts know that what I speak is the truth.