What do these mean?
W varied levels of service, Bellagio wanted 2b a bit more specific re: what every girl did…
TS & no plus = table shower

trained only, no service guarantee @ all… incl no HE
TS+ = HE & over the clothes touching

TS++ = HE & nudity … usually topless but a few gals have kep top on & doffed panties instead
TS+++ = HE & full nudity
… obv that’s not whole story… some gals offer a bit more…
LFK = light French Kissing

DFK = Deep French Kissing

LTP = Lick The Pussy = DATY
LDS = Leg Dick Slide = dick btwn thighs, slide back & forth

BS = body slide
PS = pussy slide

IF = Italian finish

RF = Russian finish
On today’s roster… no real kissers…
Amy = TS+++,
LDS , LTP , LFK , IF , RF … Bellagio Service Queen

… xxxcep 4 kissing, she’s hire mileage

than anyone… even kissing, she’ll make the attempt but she’s not really a kissy type girl…
Aritzia = TS. Table Shower. That’s it. Legit girl. Mebbe a hug

on the way out. Super pretty tho & popular due 2 looks & personality.
Lee = TS … bran new gal, new 2 industry… u cant count on more than just pure legit msg

… but I think HE possible if she likes u & u ask nicely …
Cecelia = TS +++ … full nudity but nuthin more officially…
Lucy = TS+++ & everything else … YMMV.