When I saw Lavida... I had 2b shur 2 book

an apptmnt... she has many fans even in the short time she's been @ Bellagio, it's hard 2 score her as a walkin...
I saw the GIF that Bellagio posted of her, but nvr saw her in person, so... I'm really anticipating what she's gonna look like... when I arrived @ the spa, Rica greeted me

... I really like that girl, & she assumed I was there 2c her...
I told her,

nope hunney, here 4 Lavida... she took my hand & brought me 2 the rm, then lingered a bit... "Make shur u c me next time"...
... after a few minutes delay, in came Lavida! She's not unlike the GIF but ... not xxxactly a spitting image... I had xxxpected a little asian spinner like many young JGirls

, but she's definitely a medium size girl w generous curves

... she has a round face w an intelligent forehead, big long eyes.... 1st I thot damn, she's quite xxxotic looking... then she smiled, & I thot, erotic looking... then she came closer & put her arms around me... I'm struggling 2 keep my towel on, saying I'm tryna b polite, 1st time we're meeting, & she replied, "it's ok, we don't need this" & she just pulled it right off... very sexy move...
... the more I looked @ her face, the more I decided, damn, she's xxxotic & beautiful!

I kinda hoped we could just skip the msg since she unveiled me, but she proceeded to open the hole in the bed sheet & had me lie face down...
We began quite a long conversation of everything under the sun, how she came to Cda

... she's been here 10 yrs since a pre-teen & speaks xxxcellent English ofc... still has some accent when she speaks but otherwise its like talking 2 a Cdn

... she emphasized how much she enjoyed talking w guys, she hated it when they lay there like lumps on the table... "It feels awkward"... & ofc I used that time 2 flirt w her

like crazy, tell her how beautiful she is... how I loved her big eyes... juicy lips
Even tho I know Lucy trained her in msg recently, the girl has natural talent, can effortlessly deliver really strong msg

... I actually had some neck stiffness that she paid attention 2 initially, then she worked her way down 2 my cyclist legs.... I actually had2 tell her 2 back off a bit, very strong msg there....
... then she worked her way up my legs, thighs.... some incidental brushing of the boys...
.... it became less incidental

... she basically started a very prolonged and sensual ball massage... not shur where she got that move, very fun... she noticed my growing reaction

& offered, "D'ya wanna flip over?"
.... she didn't hafta ask twice!
I sat straight up, asked if she could remove her top... done!... she had this thick bra on tho, ... she new she had an xxxcellent set, wanted 2 prolong the unveiling... I started reaching inside the bra which triggered her 2 just whip it off....
Really nice tits, OMG!

They're widely set apart... there's no cleavage really, just these nice juicy boobs that point east & west.... more than a mouthful (I tried) & more than a handful by quite a margin, & I've got big enuf hands... seem like C cup 2 me, but I luv these kinda tits, they got lotsa my attention... then

I kissed my way up 2 her face....
She has most adorable dimple I just had 2

Then we proceeded w quite a prolonged & intense

gf-bf session... definitely she has been influenced by

Canada, very intense

.... I asked her if she spent summers in Quebec! She's very adept, somehow started doing the hj without me noticing, w/o missing a beat... doing both @ the same time, one of my favourite moves!
And... we finished w some time left on the clock... so she proceeded w some scalp massage... & convo.... & flirting... which then turned into more gf-bf action...
Very horny girl!
After time's up, she left & came in w hot towels.... her way of cleaning me up almost had me wanting 2 go Round 2! But ... she had another apptnmnt ofc... I gave her $60 rm fee &

tipped her xxxtra 4 such an intense session.... $

Then she cleaned up the rm & left... I got dressed, surfed internet 4 a minute... her apptmnt = late, so she decided 2 come back into the rm....
I mean, I've paid, she's on her own time.... more gf-bf action!

She really had my heart

thumping now, OMG! This is her free time & she'd rather make out than do anything else!
So, I gotta put a giant YMMV here.... not everybody gonna get this intensity f/ her... but I've heard a few other positive reports, including f/
@Happyman , who's nvr steered me wrong!