I don't use the name Bill even as a hobbying name... I'd luv 2 participate in getting new girls on the casting couch

but Bellagio won't lemme do it...
IME if u c the new girls @ spas, they do tend 2b younger than the other girls @ that spa but yeah, over 30... nuthin wrong w over 30, I think 30 yr old women = very sexy... still young enuf 2b firm, xxperienced enuf 2b sexy...
Most spas don't hire new girls

w no xxxperience... they dunno how... they import girls from Asia who been doing the job a few yrs... let's face it, likely they're over 30, they're not gonna leave lucrative careers in Asia during their prime yrs... they come over 2 Cda 2 xxxtend their careers & not compete w younger girls back home...

not doing that... it's hiring girls w lil or no xxperience... ofc u can get very young girls

that way... it's not Asian castoffs, it's brand new Cdn talent... altho most tend 2b Oriental TBH...
If u look @ today's roster:
- Lavida started as receptionist then decided 2 learn msg... started in her teens... she's very gradually added mileage, clearly learning on the go, not a seasoned pro... she does really gr8 msg tho & I'm really shur she had no professional xxxperience b4... she's early 2 mid 20's
- Natalie = still in school... just continuing studies she started in China... mid 20s... & no xxtras any way so regardless of her age, u don't get 2c anything or play w her...
- Wind's also still in university, obv no more than mid 20s
- Lola? Not young, but new to biz. She's quite a sexy lil spinner, & just added happy ending to her menu, yay!
... I'm not one of these crazy youth fetish guys, perfectly ok w older gals if they're pretty... Crystal & Cherry rocked my world... regardless of looks, way past 30 shall we say... but facts are, Bellagio has many unusually young gals bcuz different supply chain, so 2 speak... doesn't depend on

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