New girls = really gr8 & fun!
… the whole thing is… y’a gotta no when yer w a new gal how2 behave… DO NOT b aggressive, b nice, clean & hygienic, smell like soap & toothpaste

… veteran girls have lil problem if u smell a bit manly but.. newbies, they ain’t got

the stomach… then u gotta b patient & nice… u gotta let her no yer curious about xxtra services while there’s LOTS time

left, don’t xxpect the girl 2 initiate… she won’t…
That’s rule 4 any gal w TS & no +++ AND it doesn’t say”professional” msg… if it says prof. msg, prolly nvr gonna b xxxtras… but hey, who nose…
Today’s roster tho, only Lola’s kinda new… xxxpect she’s gonna make the offer tho…