It's hard 2 top Lavida

but .... very YMMV... she'll deny she even does it if she don't like u, & she's a young gal who's not used 2 old or weird looking guys.... who after all make up allotta the client population!
Amy? Its only firmly closed lips kissing. Last place, almost doesn't count.
Lola's a treat.... & I think a tad less fussy than Lavida... playfully nips yer tongue sometimes, other times opens her mouth very wide & inviting

... both Lola & Lavida = enthusiastic marathon kissers... if yer @ least avg looking w some charm, or gd looking w no charm, Lavida may like u enuf, & then u got

DFK w a very young gorgeous girl w nice firm C cup tits... if yer a bit less gd lookng & lacking in charm, Lola may still engage w u...
Rica deserves honourable mention... YMMV, but it has also 2do w her mood, sometimes she's just not into it... if u can talk 2 her b4 the sesh, let her no

DFK = req'd & u can shorten the odds...