Irene's got an interesting niche 4 herself right now... she does decent msg

but not quite up there with masseuses like Shallon & Natalie... doesn't do

xxxtras but she has a relaxed flirtatious way about her, guys luv just talking w her, mebbe a lil YMMV cuddling... but

no under the clothes, & no HE.
And... she's frequently booked all day! On Friday, impossible 2 get her as a walk in, and if u wanted 2c her, u needed 2 call

, find out when she's avail, then book that time... even if not convenient 4u... & u couldn't just say,ok, lemme call u back after I check my sched... nuh uh... u call back, the time's gone!
All of this = kinda insane

2 me! I am hoping 4 the day she provides xxxtras, & now, it looks like she can get away without doing 'm! That being said... she's likely not making an amazing amount of tips

... guys may luv her company but I doubt she's getting $

tips! So hopefully greed sets in...
If u get blue balls

after Irene, grab Lola or (if she's avail) Cecelia for a quick HH visit, skip the msg! It can b glorious getting the

HE f/ a 2nd girl... way better than if u just saw the 2nd girl alone.