And what might your take on yourself be? You can't read, because nowhere do I bash the spa or Lucy, you dimwitted child. In contrast, others can read my recent reviews from the last few weeks, they total more reviews than anything you have written in your thousands of posts. Do you actually hobby?
Simply put you are a troll on a massage review website. Nothing to add, only childish name calling and never ending feuds you pick and perpetuate. Trying to be a person of consequence, some one needing to be heard, but with nothing to say but blah blah blah. This obvious need to be seen and heard, to respond to every post has filled entire pages of various threads with your dithering on this website is telling. Filling a void in your pathetic life because In the real world, there is no trace of you,you are an absolute nothing, no one listens to a word you say because you say nothing of interest. Boring little loser, wanting to be important but nothing but a gnat on those who are your betters. And that would include everyone, even the deranged loon XTC.
I have no doubt that you are a person of no importance in the real world, of zero achievements, and based on your writing, having the temperament of a 12 year old in his mom's basement. What a sad miserable existence, but one of your own making and due to your obvious short comings. What a silly meaningless way to spend one's life.