She's on again today in the evening... I'm so glad 2c this, one day a wk 4 Soli? Not enuf.
U might get a bit closer 2 the pornstar xxxperience w service queens Sami & Rica... at least its on their public menu! Esp if u like kissing

But who nose, mebbe Soli's got an amazing secret menu. @ Least we gotthat + sign after Soli's name, so she does @ least HE.
I'm really curious about the new girl, Yinn…. Always fun getting themon 1st day… sometimes very tepid, other times, wild!

Always more like a date then s msg sesh…
4 guaranteed fun, Lucy & Cecelia… Lucy, u ned 2 book

an appntmnt… Cecelia, u domt hafta but … its a gd idea.