Sometimes it doesn't matter how many times you hear a good piece of advice you still will make the mistake... :aao: On my first night I went directly to MTB just as I said I would, I arrived and had a nice chat with warewolf I think
and all of a sudden a sweet lady shows up and ask me if I want to play game, yes of course I said and my conversation with warewolf was over
mg: As we played she decided the winner should get a kiss from the loser and a kiss on the cheek was a good start which shortly turned into a little kiss on the lips and after a short while a substancial frensh kiss... 55555555... After a few hours I decided I should move on and I wanted to pay my tab, then a lady from the bar asked me if I wanted to go with her coz the lady in question wished so... In thought it for a baout five seconds and I accepted...
We went to tiger disco and had a good time. Next day I went looking for G-spot agogo in soi seadragon and lady pulled me in (bustabar or something like that...) she was pretty a wearing the right outfit
I had a few Coronas with her and played games of course (she beated me in everyone except the tower thing and the dice thingie) she went in strong and now little kisses, frensh kiss right away and nice massage hahahaha.... After a couple of hours I decided I should move on and I wanted to pay my tab but she immediatelly asked me to take her coz she wanted to go with me so I said .... mmmmh ok....
mg: My next stop was MTB and the first lady seemed OK, I said hello and shaked hands with her. Next night I went with lady from bustabar again but she got a little psycho as she said "I see you with other girl I kill you" and "if you butteflyman I cut your dูck"... 555555... And of course the question "you love me?" made me strongly decide that that woul be the second and last night with that girl...