A lot of you were confused so we thought we should clear things up.
You got an email about forcing the prime minister to cut gas taxes. In that email, we had a graphic design for a billboard, but the graphic by itself doesn’t really look like a billboard. And the graphic mentioned a petition, but there was no petition link in the email.
We got a lot of confused responses from supporters like you.
Sorry about that.
So we wrote up a whole new email below and included a better mock up showing what the billboard will actually look like. Please check out the email below.
Also, if you were looking for the petition, you can sign it by clicking this LINK.
One more thing: thanks to all of you who emailed us because it makes us better.
Dear xxx,
You see soaring gas prices every day and the prime minister needs to see the proof that he can do something about it.
Are you ready to show him that proof?
We booked a sidewalk billboard right out side the prime minister’s office in Ottawa.
It’s a simple message.
One half of the billboard has the list of more than two dozen places that are working on cutting gas taxes, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and South Korea.
The other half of the billboard lists major countries that are doing nothing about gas taxes: Canada.
You can see a picture of what the billboard will look like here:
This is your chance to make sure Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will have to face the fact that he’s shrugging off soaring gas prices while leaders in the rest of the world are cutting gas taxes.
But that’s just the start.
We’re already working on booking billboards in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal to make sure you can send this message right to the prime minister and his key cabinet ministers in their own neighbourhoods.
We’ve budgeted $16,000 for this billboard campaign and to run a social media campaign.
Will you chip in $10 to put up billboards to show Trudeau that he needs to catch up with other leaders and cut gas taxes? Please donate now on our secure website:
Thanks for stepping up and fighting for taxpayers – it’s making a difference!
- Todd, Shannon and all of the CTF staff
PS: Here’s the great thing about the Canadian Taxpayers Federation: even a little bit makes a big difference when thousands of other taxpayers take action too. Even $5. If you want to be part of the push for lower gas taxes, please click here to donate:
https://www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/trudeau-cut-gas-taxesView attachment 221180