In fairness 2
@Curvestroker … Bellagio does list Lavida doing IF… that’s impossible unless panties off … well, I guess kinda possible but very messy!
So… I agree w him, it’s unlikely 2 happen w Lavida on 1st visit…
Does it matter 2 me?

ive met gr8 GFE gals b4, but usually they’re a bit older… Lavida’s super young, & it’s surprisingly hot 2 get a gal so young in gf mode!
If u want fully nude, yer right, Clara can b gd option… she’s very popular & hard 2 get as a walkin… but if u do catch her, yer not gonna regret!
… if u want full nudity w some GFE, Rica’s a better choice… I do find she’s not as affectionate as Lavida so it depends if u prefer that marathon sesh

like Lavida or full nudity w big menu like Rica.
Aritzia’s gd choice if u like a very slim, pretty young gal w gd msg… & uncertain xxtras. Personally, the challenge appeals 2me… & if I get nowhere, I’ll get another HH w another gal.