Had a session with Ada today after not having seen her for a couple of months. I wanted something very specific (within limits) so I made sure to text ahead of time and request it, so that it could be explained to Ada translated before I arrived. Basically what I wanted was light touching/grazing and lots of teasing before the flip - no massage, and a BS with edging. I said I would tip extra for the hour if she was able to do that for me.
When I got there, I went to the backdoor and texted again but no one opened it after 5 minutes, so I went through the front. Ada heard me come in and brought me to a room. She started out giving me a regular massage but then I told her I texted Emma and told her no massage. I'm not sure if Ada actually got the message, but I showed her on her arm what I wanted (using my fingers) and she immediately understood.
The next hour was probably the best session I have had at the spa so far, hands down! I could tell she was very satisfied hearing how much I was enjoying it, lol. After the flip she continued the same sensual touching and teasing for a long while with a BS and a lot of GFE.
What I really enjoyed about the session was the pacing. It was so relaxed and slow, which I loved, and was exactly what I wanted. The release was unreal also.
After I paid, I asked to go out the back entrance and she walked me through. What happened next was a bit awkward lol, she opened the second door leading to the hallway and there was a woman and her kid in front of the door.

The woman was like "are we lost?" hahah. I don't know if she saw Ada wearing her little mini skirt and spaghetti strap tank top but man, that was awkwardly hilarious. On top of that, there was ANOTHER woman in the hallway, too!
Anyway, I had a good chuckle about that after. Could have been worse, but the session was off the charts, so I didn't mind, lol.