I've never made a comment whenever this topic is broached (and it's broached often) but I just can't contain it anymore. It's laughable how much credit massageplanet.net gives itself in matters relating to the LE. Please, stop giving yourself so much credit. massageplanet.net is incredibly valuable to its users for many reasons -- as a database of "evidence" for LE it isn't.
Using creative language or explicit language doesn't make an iota of difference to the LE. Besides, if we can read between the lines, so can cops. They know what takes place in MPs and they've always known. Does anyone actually think the vice squad department is sitting around snacking on donuts saying to each other "hmmm, wonder if anything illegal takes place inside an MP? Better log into massageplanet.net and find out." They surely don't need one of us to educate them about it because they are also customers -- both as private citizens and as undercover.
And using our threads as evidence? C'mon. Just imagine the courtroom transcript:
Prosecutor: Your honour, we know that (insert illegal activities here) have been taking place at aforementioned spa because someone on massageplanet.net said so.
Judge: Well, if someone on massageplanet.net said so, I guess it's true. Guilty. Case closed.
When the LE wants to make an MP bust, they'll dilligently go about gathering first-hand (so to speak) evidence. If you think the "evidence" on massageplanet.net counts for anything in a court case, you're sadly mistaken. If, for some reason, the LE wanted to use our threads in any kind of case, they would need to track down the author of said thread and have him/her verify their story -- and that ain't about to happen. They'll get all the witnesses they need by busting the Johns they find on premises.
Now, I'm not a criminal defence attorney so don't take my opinion as legal advice, but I'd be interested to hear from one on this board about this topic.