@krayjee was white knighting on another
@vipflorenceyi post because I’m bAnNeD and being IsOlaTeD and repeating things apparently. I don’t even see escorts or am part of this community.
And here he is thinking he is a player, for being a hobbyist. This is the sexworkers job how are you a player?
After spending some time on here and terb cc for 4 months, I’ve have come to conclude that wise guys don’t comment, truly only the loners and suckers do.
Wise guys come here for intel and recon and move on.
then we have you 2. Funniest thing I’ve read in a while lol. Krajee thinks hes a player for seeing sexworkers and she won’t give it to him.

What a circus these forums. Atleast this is more balanced and was less controlled than terb cc.
wise guys truly don’t comment and thank god I’m outta here in less that 7 days. Canada is doomed and the specimens that reside in it