But it can get very wet in there! Particularly when a big, hairy ugly bloke from Rochdale, is covered in soap from head to foot, is trying to hang on to anything he can find close to hand like plastic roses in a vase that actually come out of the vase and it looks like you are trying to give them to the lovely already in the bath while she just sits there all demure thinking whatever it is they think when they see this (or is it just me??) Attempting to get from the airbed, which now decides to have a mind of it's own and fly across the room under punter pressure, trying not to pop the bloody thing with my size 9's and into the bath as daintily as a big fat bloke from Rochdale can whilst skating around the marble tile floor like a rabid penquin on mind-bending drugs!
I eventually just dived straight in the bath after 5 minutes of Flatleys River Dance on soap and got the impression she had seen that happen quite a few times before! Bless her! At least the walls are wipe down and you definately leave with a big smile on your face and..........Clean! :what: