For all of you who are counting down the days months or whatever to your next visit, please take a moment and consider the sad plight of those of us who actually live here. First, you have to carefully choose the evening or evenings you wish to particiipate in the Patong scene, for even the hardiest stud can't party everyday forever. Today, after deciding for certain and for sure that this is one of those blessed auspicuous days. I must now set about charting a course all the way across the island to Patong, a journey that could possibly take as long as 20 minutes. Find a place to park, never an easy task and might even set me back 40 Baht before the night even begins. Then take off by foot for a distance of at least several blocks, before I can begin to enjoy the company of some lovely local lasses while tossing back a few cold ones just to settle my jangled nerves.
Yes, it has been commiserated by many a local expat that of the many injustices and travails we must endure to just to live here perhaps the most galling is the near total lack of sympathy we receive for our efforts. So visitors, next time you meet an expat sitting in a bar (kind of like viewing them in there natural habitat) buy him a beer he deserves it.
In closing this sad tale just remember by the time you read this I will be there and you probably won't be. See ya.