What I love about the side that argues mass deaths is that they can never prove it. Arguing that Jewish controlled media is hiding it also doesn’t make sense. If people are dying en masse (not one or two here or there) it cannot be covered up period. Information will get out. Facebook and LinkedIn would be flooded with posts of someone losing a loved one and then other people commenting all the time. Sure, these conspiracy theorist will then say those platforms might be covering it up. But that argument falls apart because of the telephone, obituaries, funeral homes and cemeteries. When people dying, phone calls are made, funeral home arrangements are made and there is a service depending on the traditions of their religion. If all these people dying en masse were still of working age then the job postings would skyrocket to fill the holes, companies productivity would suffer due to loss of critical employees, etc. If they were seniors (well, any age), then lawyers, insurance agencies and financial advisors would be overloaded with documents, paperwork and inheritance to transfer the wealth. If they were home owners, with no family remaining in the home, there would be a flood of available homes in the real estate market where supply would outstrip demand and prices would fall. Many jobs require communication outside the organizations as well (customers and suppliers talking, contractors and subcontractors, etc.) so when people are now missing en masse because they are dead, word will spread.
So where is all that activity to support this mass dying theory?