Pri bro its a tough question for myself that did I m falling for this chick?
My answer would be probably NO
@mumbai monger bro said that anybody can fall for that girl.
But I was always careful while dealing with this girl at start of my relationship with her.
She used to be extraordinary caring for me always.
When I got addicted of one bar girl than even that psychiatrist ( top most of Mumbai) not able to take me out of that situation than this girl slowly but steadily taken me out from that bar girl trap.
She resides 5 mins walking distance from my office but she didn’t bothered me anytime.
Neither she is demanding nor too overprotective.
I feel more comfortable at her flat than at my home.
I still don’t have emotional feeling for her but Yes I treat her as my good friend who stood beside me when I needed her most.
Even she knows she was 1000 times beautiful than that bar girl ( that bar too girl does know this fact) but when I had relationship with that 1st girl I used to ignore and not take seriously to this girl but still she didn’t take it as offensive.
To maintain myself and not to fall for a particular girl ( specially this one) I visit at least 4-5 times to obs in a month and at least sleep with 1 or 2 times with other girl except her.