Oranges = Apples
That's what the numbers in the previous post refer to. I know it's not even 24 hrs since I wondered why people are comparing, but hey, who trusts a drunkards words or thoughts?!! So here is the story for comparison and the rationale of why they could be the same and also under what conditions!!
Started the evening by making the customary visit to Mayur and Kishore (just like how in Hindu temples it is mandatory to visit Ganesha sannidhi before you visit the main deity, it is becoming habitual to go two these places before making any other plans! That gives me an idea.. just like tour operators for strip clubs of Vegas, I think there is a business opportunity here.. Stag event organiser for Navi Mumbai dance bars and clubs.. why bother going to Goa and exotic places? There is better option right next door! If some of you are thinking "Stag event organiser? we call that pimping".. I don't mind what you think or want to call it, just give me the money to start this exciting business venture, "Silk Route Party Planners". Before the bhakts jump in about copyrights, the name will be subject to trade mark approval by USam and he will also be requested to be honorary board member!! ), Sorry digressed quite a bit, thought I am sober while writing this, looks like I am not!!
Two memorable events at Kishore. The previous evening asked one girl to dress up and boy did she turned up dressed. I might have given her 5-6 times the normal Kishore money, but that was for the effort she had taken.. I was really impressed with that attitude. She had been calling MK all evening to see if I am coming, at that time we found that irritating but after seeing the effort, now with a clear mind (yes, I do sometimes have clear minds, although rarely) I can understand the reason. She just wanted to show the effort she had put. of course I am old enough (and slightly mature as well!) to understand that it is not out of love but for money, but even for money the effort taken was commendable. sorry MK for the umpteen calls!! It was worth it though..
Second event was meeting demoashash.. MK, hereafter I forbid you to introduce me to anyone who are not bald or grey or have beer belly !! These millennials are making me feel age challenged (politically correct term for budda!!). Demoashash, his handle name length seems to be more than his age!! Nice meeting you man..
With the night still young (unlike the mongers I meet, I prefer the nights to be young!), AA(that's AlwaysAshwin and not Alcoholics Anonymous, although at this rate of beer consumption I definitely need the later and not the former), AR(ruler of appa, slowly becoming ruler of dance floors) and Raj (I might need few 100 pages to give proper intro to this man, but of late since only gaalis are required to fill that many number of pages, let me stick to calling him MK) wanted to do a social experiment and who better to test it on other than on someone who lost his high end OB virginity very recently and was still talking about 'heaven'ly abode of apsaras?
The experiment is this: can we have as much fun in a low end DB as we had in high end OB? We were quite close to Sainath while discussing and so Sainath had the privilege of hosting us! Atleast on paper let us assume and pretend these bars are hosts and we are the guests and not walking ATMs!
Enter Sainath.. Few girls and lot of kaamwalis.. to give you an idea of the kind of girls and possible clientele, let me narrate an incident.. I asked one girl to sit and after sometime she asked me if I would like her to dance. I said yes and she wanted to play bhojpuri songs as it's what she can dance for and normally her clients play as well ! Please don't take any offence or misunderstand that I look down on bhojpuri songs. That's not the intention.. highlighting it only to give an idea about this place..
For money thrown for one dance at OB, we had the luxury to throw the same amount on 5 girls/ kaamwalis.. so we did just that and after performance assessment on 6-7 of them, settled on two girls for further dances. For the next two hours both danced for most songs and their energy level was phenomenal.. maybe it is because it is the first time someone is showering them with money for every song.. half way through, nearly all the waiters and black coats were near our table and it was 'kaun hey eh log? Kidarse Aaya?' moment for them..
Unfortunately one girl had to dance with a restricted hand movement. She was a graceful dancer but could not use both her hands freely. Some of you guys might remember late 70s , early 80s movies with Ranjeet as villian. In his movies there will always be a scene where the heroine will keep her hand cross chested to resist Ranjeet from removing her saree.. AA, you are too young to have seen those, so go to YouTube and search for Ranjeet rape scene to get an idea! This girl was dancing with similar pose because of Appas insistence on boni in choli

I am sure Appa will crack it in next few visits!! Fortunately for the other girl, it looks like she lives in an area infested with mosquitos as she was wearing a net covering from her neck to the top of blouse, so boni in choli was not possible with her. With that kind of dress, even to see cleavage was, is it there, is it not there moment!!
Now back to the fun quotient.. I have honestly not had so much fun and not moved my legs and shaked my body (calling what I did as dance is an insult to that art, so let me stick to shaking and moving!!) so much in my life. And believe me, when I say my life, thats a very long time!!
And that was only possible because of the Marathi manoos who accompanied me. To an extent lot of Budweiser in the system helped as well, but without these three, I would not have had 10% of the fun it was..
Facilities wise there is a world of difference between the two places and there can absolutely be no comparison on the quality of girls. For crying out loud, at heaven6, they have an attendee in the bathroom to open the tap and hand you tissue paper.. not my kind of customer care, but I completely understand the logic and need for it. And I think very soon they will employ someone to open the zip and hold the dick while you pee!!
And that brings to the equation! AA, I agree with your logic of the returns and VFM and the equation fits perfectly there as well. I was more referring to the money spent on last two nights at two different places with similar outcome. However, there was one big condition, atleast for me.. Whether you are in higher end or lower end, the people I went with made sure the happiness quotient is maintained and the money you pay is for the facilities and to the quality, but with the right crowd, FUN can be had at any place.. Vitamin M does help a lot, some places need more and others lesser!
Mushik Bhai, your calculations of money spent is off by atleast a factor of 10 !!
Anglo, missed you this visit.. hopefully next time.
Another post with lot of noise and little substance. Let me duck under the protection of drunkenness and beg your forgiveness for useless post!
That's me going back into hibernation for another few months.. until next time , JAI NAVI MUMBAI..
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