Toddler Steps in Service Bars Navi Mumbai - Sneha Repeat visit
I faintly remember an old adage from some crime novel ( do not remember it's Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie ) that a criminal always has a tendency to return to the scene of crime. I don't know how true is that in real life, any undercover LE either active or latent in this forum can probably relate or check his/her training notes

and care not to divulge himself/ herself. So in the similar influence of behavioral science I decided to visit Sneha SB few days ago ( to be precise 8th Feb the Friday at around 3 pm in the afternoon). Sneha SB was my first Service Bar visit experience in Mumbai which took place around 20 days back and here I was, sniffing back to my original scene of crime . Analysing myself, the reason why I decided on Sneha was because I was horny in the dull afternoon , my first experience being good ( Rubina, Monica and Supriya ) and this time I wanted to hunt out Chandni or Suneetha.
Outside, the bar looked deserted at that hour ( it's in a mixed residential and commercial area which is in a sublane ). On entering however spotted few girls and the coatwalla in shirt ushered me to the inner conclave. Sat exactly on the same seat ( primal animal instinct of territory recognition ) and asked coatwalla for a beer and expressed my thirst for Chandni or Suneetha if she is same or different ( after reading some good references by popular knowledgeable monger brother here in the forum ). Coatwalla in shirt replied that Chandni will come by 4pm and I can take any other girl from the available collection. Dug my feet on the crease and took my batting stance....Chandni should be the bowler or I won't play. Coatwalla discussed with another senior looking coatwalla or manager ( can't say as none were wearing any coat) and came and told that Chandni has been contacted over phone and she is on her way, should reach in 10 minutes. Well that 10 minutes was about 30 minutes when I was pleasantly wakened up by from my bored semi slumber by a friendly feminine 'Hi'and there she was in a dark synthetic saree, a lithe darkish complexioned slim girl with a cobra like figure standing next to my seat....the dark moon has come up in the noon.... Chandni has arrived.
Like others I guess she is also from Bengal ( going by her accent) though she claimed to be from Lucknow. She was an amazingly soothing experience, whip like body clad in a saree and I was like a parasite creeper embracing her mid trunk, drowning my face in her midsized mountain like breasts searching for a Kohinoor. She nibbled with her lips my neck, face and gave lip kisses. In that lazy afternoon I was like losing my self in her caressing and touches. At the end she touched and played with junior and his two accompanying deuce balls. He was weeping and wanting release. With soft hands and googly grip Chandni made junior ejaculate his seeds. A total bliss.
Damages :
beer 550
Service gratitude fees : 500
Coatwalla in shirts : 200
Soft drinks for the muse : 300
Doorman : 20
Total: 1570/-
Will repeat her for sure.
PS : I was amazed to see absolutely no fuss on payment from Chandni. After such deeply engrossed service ( 45 minutes) I was expecting she will jack up her demand which would have been a total turn off. But no she was calm and poised and i liked that. She also told me that that she's not Suneetha who is another girl ( gone to gaon now), if I remember correctly one brother had earlier mentioned that Chandni and Suneetha is same. So somebody can enlighten us on Suneetha.