"I don't like that guy !!!"
These were the exact words that I heard from an MPA who I have seen a few times before. I will not disclose her name (so please no PM's), but she has her fair share of fans on this board. I was also a fan up until now, and was stunned upon hearing those words come out of her mouth. How can any MPA not like TLM ... I'm "The Love Machine", damnit !!! Anyways, here's how it all went down.
I stopped by this MP, and was escorted to one of the rooms by the receptionist/MPA. In the opposite room was the MPA who would utter those words. The door to that room was wide-open since she was fixing it at that time. Seeing her there, I took the opportunity to say 'hi', after which the receptionist/MPA began to close the door behind me. The door was not even fully shut when I heard the MPA across the room say, "I don't like that guy !!!".
I knew that if I had stepped outside to have a word with her, I would have made a big scene. Something held me back, and I decided to swallow the bitter pill. It usually takes a lot to upset me, but the tone of her voice really got my blood boiling. I've always had very good sessions with this MPA, so I have no idea why she was being so harsh. Being a guy who loves to analyze things, I was just trying to figure out where she was coming from. Everytime I've seen this MPA, I treat her with respect, never being pushy or demanding about the services offered. On top of that, I take good care of myself, and always go into MP's smelling nice and well-dressed. Let's not forget that I have always gotten the top-option with her.
I know those words weren't meant for my ears, but after hearing them, I'm beginning to look at the MP scene in a whole different light. Probably, I'm just thinking about this too much. As for the MPA, I'm never going to see her again.
Have any of you experienced something like this ? If you were in my situation, what would you do ?