As with the low season (which seems to take everyone by surprise every year) bar closing times are a tedious irritation we have to put with on an almost annual basis. Here's what will happen.
After about a month tourists and expats will realise what is going on and start to go out earlier.
Smarter bar beer owners should be rubbiing their hands with glee as this is always good for them. Even smarter bar beer owners will be telling their 'hostesses' that the new start time is actually 7:30 pm and that they no longer turn up at ten, eat in the bar and then hang around 'dancing a bit' until the discos open whilst getting a salary and/or 'loom' from their bar beer.
The discos suffer big time whenever this happens and I feel sorry for them, but they get a good shake when the closing times are late so they really shouldn't complain too much.
It is obviously bad for tourism, but that has never bothered the circus that is the interior ministry too much in the past. (And no, this country would not be on its **** if it wasn't for tourism, its 5% of the GDP, they can do without it, new expats will now be enraged, deal with it, they do not need you, honest).
Crack downs like this are usually a sign of an impending election though, so expect an election within the next few months. Cracking down on percieved farang debauchery is a very popular vote winner amongst most of the electorate who don't live in Patong, Pattaya or Bangkok, but on farms, in the countryside. Following the election, everything will return to normal and the closing will creep back up, until the next election.
But then again I might be wrong.