A colleague, Warren Nistad, has developed a simple routine which focuses on these stem cell producing areas. I have slightly altered Nistad's original routine. From the supine position, begin by resting both hands on the client's head. Hold this position for three to five minutes. Move one hand down to the upper humerus, leaving the other hand on the head. Then move to the right shoulder and ribs, ribs and ileum, ileum and knee, knee and ankle, both ankles, left ankle and knee, knee and ileum, ileum and ribs, ribs and shoulder, upper humerus and sternum. Although the knee and ankle are not stem cell producing areas, I like to include them in order to connect the upper and lower parts of the body.
From the prone position, start with the hands on the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae and systematically work down the spine. End with both hands resting on the posterior portion of the ileum. Hold each position for three to five minutes.