Pls dude… don’t push it w them, ok?
… we need them 2 feel safe & nice, happy making a bit of $$$ … then decide, WTH, men = super nice, let’s let them leave happy & make a bit more tips
… if they start the ‘tease’ msg

, then u prolly don’t gotta say anything…. That’s the super light fingertips & fingernails on the back… & brushing the boys during msg … likely then she’ll let u no…
AFAIK… they’re not doing that…

so when there’s still some time on the clock

ya gotta ask if there’s any ‘xxxtra services’ … remember, they’re not greedy, more nervous about getting caught then losing tips…

The answer mebbe

no… that’s fine, don’t get mad, move on… if they’re ok, they’ll let u no… b prepared 2 tell them xxxactly what 2do… & u can ask re touching,

nudity 2… in fact, u can even let’m no that touching & nudity make the

HE happen faster!