I see some with +, ++, +++, what service are these
W varied levels of service, Bellagio wanted 2b a bit more specific re: what every girl did…
TS & no plus = table shower

trained only, no service guarantee @ all incl no HE
TS+ = HE & over the clothes touching

TS++ = HE & nudity … usually topless but a few gals have kep top on & doffed panties instead
TS+++ = HE & full nudity
… obv that’s not whole story… some gals offer a bit more…
LFK = light French Kissing

DFK = Deep French Kissing

LTP = Lick The Pussy = DATY

LDS = Leg Dick Slide = dick btwn things, slide back & forth

BS = body slide
PS = pussy slide

IF = Italian finish

RF = Russian finish

In today’s lineup
Shallon = no plus = legit only … very very gd @ msg

… don’t xxxpect or hope 4 anything more… after Lucy, mebbe prettiest gal @ Bellagio
Rica= the opposite service-wise… service

queen, does all semilegit stuff, even DFK… YMMV… how much depends on yer chemistry & her mood… but young & busty, RF, IF, HJ, LDS, np
Victoria =

no pluses - mebbe sexiest body but service wise , legit only … u mebbe enjoy eye candy w her, damn gd lookng, & u mebbe catch flirty gf vibe, but no xxxtras AFAIK
Irene = also no pluses = legit only - head2toe could b most young & attractive gal there

, pretty face & long legs like a Chinese model… guys enjoy company w her & she’s open 2 a bit of hugging

… but that’s it. No HE.
Cecelia= +++ = gets fully nude, although that’s a bit YMMV, she’s hoots vibe well w u & feel respected… gr8 personality in the rm, guys luv

her & get addicted… definite gf vibe w her… open 2 prostate msg if yer clean & that’s yer thing … busiest gal there, hard 2 get as a walkin