I don’t blame spas that understate a gals age a bit…
- Most spa girls do look younger than their actual age… no surprise there, it’s physical attractiveness that makes a girl popular in part …

- A guy just needs 2 no how she appears
, not her actual age… it’s not a dating site!
- If a spa starts reporting actual ages, guys not gonna realize that & just assume they gotta add a decade! So honesty gonna b punished…

escort biz, they do have some very young gals… many Cdn

girls & young immigrants choose the biz @ pretty young age… but spa girls tend 2 start in Asia then come 2 Cda

after… so it’s rare 2 get a spa gal in her 20s… &
few spas claim their ‘new’ gals come f/ around here. In fact, mostly their ‘recycled’ girls f/ other spas, either in Cda or f/ Asia
Bellagio tho, it’s hiring local girls

w no xxxperience … many = unemployed youth looking 4 a job… it’s only natural some gonna b in their 20s.
Of gals working today:
- Aritzia = student w zero xxperience, in her 20s, responded 2 want ad a few months ago
- Clara = still in her 20s, Cdn gal, started after hi school
- Rica, another young gal in her 20s looking 4 a job
- Amy? Mature gal, in late 30s, but had no prior xxxperience, answered want ad
… & off Lucy needs no introduction…