Well, based on Shades "batting 1000", I just had to try this place out. I went on a weekday at suppertime, and the plaza seemed pretty dead (I'm not at all familiar with this part of town; it's far from my "home" part of town, which is St. Clair Avenue West). I rang the bell, and was shown in by a plump (or should I say well-built) Chinese girl who showed me to her room. I Was offered the shower, and was pleased to see the combination shower and crapper was clean and well-appointed. The spa itself is very small, with two massage studios along the hallway, a waiting room at the front and a staff room, I guess you would call it, at the rear. I went back to the room and "Sherry", as she called herself came back to give me my massage. I took the 45 minutes session for $60.00, and ten or so minutes into the massage, she asked me if I would like "something special". I took the body slide for $80.00. This included a reverse. Now I am very liberal with my massage, which we could call very "stimulating", and Sherry was in no way restrictive. (Of course I'd had the alcohol treatment before we started). All in all a very pleasant time with a nice-mannered and pleasant young "peasant" type girl. I will be happy to repeat at this spa, when I have a chance. And for the gentleman who asked, the hours of operation are 10:00 A. M. until 9:00 P.M.