Known Reviewer
Mister indiaUncle Sam was always known for his unique writing skills. We have been reading all his posts since he started posting on Forum. He was unique.
Your writing skill is almost like him. The commas,Full stops and Vocabulary. But no point of arguing on this.
But we don’t feel any Love for you Shivamrut.
The way You criticised people for
1) Going to SBs
2) For being Poor
3) Not Spending too much money in bars
4) Being Filler instead of Generator
Jackyass and RajRocks had addmited their mistake for personal targeting Uncle Sam. They had asked for forgiveness. The matter could have been closed by then.
But you didn’t want that. You had different purpose.
Na Rahega Uncle Sam. Na rahega Forum.
And would like to congratulate you. No Seniors sharing any experiences. Members leaving the forum.
What’s the point of Arguing with Barking Dogs. Deep down we all had a huge respect for Uncle Sam. We all had written so many times to him to come back. But he didn’t care of his bhakts.
He may be busy Stripping Girls in Bars
Maybe Posting Nonsense on Forum by New ID
We really don’t know.
But if He is Posting Nonsense on Forum as Shivamrut , He has lost all of the Respect, which he had earnered by posting 840 Messages and 6086 Likes which is Equal to “ Zero “
I am not uncle sam
Lets make it clear at beginning
Yes i am his fan or chela or follower
Yes may be way i write is similar to him
But i am not him
I have already told in open fr on forum regading who i am ..
Plus i have Pm to senior most member of forum regarding my details
Yes i am dam angry that Guru ji had to leave the forum due to some idiots (jacyass and rajrocs and mumbaikar123) and as a revenge i will teach them a lesson on forum and off forum
Yes i want forum to have genrators
It means people who contribute to forum by visitng new palces it sb or ob or db
Whats wrong in that ?
If u check last 600 pages
New Fr are given only by select few
Guru ji
So what is worng if i ask others to buck up and put up Frs of new places ? Is it wrong ?
Am I against Sb ?
Not exaclty
I have very clearly told in my Fr..visit new Sbs ..apart from Kishore and Mayur and Sai darbar or sneha
There are other Sbs
Why people dont search and visit them
We have atleast 100 frs on kishore and mayur and Sneha
Whats the point to have more on same ?
Am i against poor ?
But i am against those poor who are jealous against forum member who are spenders
(Rajrocks and jackyass and others ..check their old frs on forum and it is visible )
Work hard
But don't be jealous
Do i ask people to over spend ?
I have said in my Fr
At least visit obs for drinks
Watching gals in ob is free. ..isnt it true ?
Have better quality experiance and put it on forum
Is it wrong ?
Do i prevent people from putting Frs ?
Ask any known monger ..Pc or Nm or Mk or devil or any one
Have i asked them for not to put Frs
I have said if some one put Fr on Kishore or mayur or sai ..i will criticise..but i have not told people to put Frs
I use abusuing language ..
Because some people understand that only
Captian pathetic or Kerion69 or mumbaikar123 or rajrocs or Jackass etc
Do u thnik these are Saints from Vatican ?
Do u think they understnad logic ?
Laathon ke bhoot baaton se nahi mante
They need to be kicked
And i will kick them
Yesterday .
Whole day i kicked them alone and i will do it alone if needed
And who started it ?
Check his night post on forum
When he was openly instigating people
Why ?
Look at kerion69 ?
He started absuing me and guru ji in first post in Red ink
If some one give me one
I will give back TEN
Last point
People have lost respcet for Uncle Sam due to me
Then it is peolels fault ..not mine
People are fragile or shallow minded is not my fault
Uncle Sam never wrote for likes or False affection
So i think the loss is of people and not of guru ji
People dont love me
I dont care for it at all
I am not on this forum to collect likes
I dont need them
I have seen how people have treated Guru ji who has by FAR THE MaXimum likes on forum
Uncle Sam ki gaand maro
Uncle sam is asshole
Etc was written on this very same forum
Isnt it ?
World and Forum is Selfish
No one remembers anything
It is mediocare
And as Anglo said
U can not get kranti on this forum
This forum is beyond repair
It is full of too many mediocares
Too many Dwarfs
It is full of too many fillers who do nothing themselves but be jealous of generators
It is full of Competiion
It is full of Back stabbing
And thats why forum needs to get dissolved
This forum needs to END
And hence I Shiva will do everything to end this forum
Thats the league of Assasins
Thats the Ra's al ghul
Thats the Darth Vador
Destruction is the Ultimate Balance
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