Max Billion,
Well fortunately this does not happen often. Normally the girls have been too busy or are just too tired to participate in one of these two-girl shows, or whatever they call them. The mamasan knows this as well as the girls do. However from time to time and in any given amp it may occur that over a particular span of days business may be very poor indeed.
Now the mamasan has probably seen such trends in the past. In fact it's possible that in the past she was a working girl herself. So she is wise enough to know that if this happens over a long enough period of time, one or two or even all of the working girls may get itchy feet and start looking over the fence or down the road where she has heard that the grass is greener. If things were to take their natural course, then mama may find herself completely without any working talent.
Of course sometimes you have a confluence of events in which many if not all of the girls have been working so hard that they need a sort of break but not an outright vacation. If that is the case, a wise mamasan will realize that she needs to let the working girls take it easy for a while, not push them to work. She will even turn away less desirable customers or customers about whom she has some sort of reservations if not fear that they will do damage to the establishment of its business.
But if she sees a young stallion come in to the establishment who looks as tough he could handle more than one girl and that he will not cause any truoble or dissension amoung the working troups, then he may suggest to the client (who is most often not unknows to the mamasan if not to some of the girls that he may enjoy himself more if he were to take on two gals instead of just one.
Now if mamasan is in the frame of mind to be generous and if she perceives that generosity to be likely to yield a certain sense of satisfaction and well-being among her working charges, then she may go ahead and suspend the house fee for one of the girls. But it is going to be a rare occasion indeed where she will sacrifice the tips which often go entirely to the girls. That would come directly out of the purses of the working girls, the very girls whom the mamasan wishes to keep happy enough that the will not get the urge to leave too soon.
You must keep in mind that many of these girls flit about the country or the state because they had gone to a particular place with certain expectations about an establishment which may not have born out under the scrutiny of their own experience. For instance a madam or mamasan if you will may have over exaggerated just how much money was to be made their, how hard the girls would have to work to make it. They may not have told the complete story on what the girl's living accommodations would look like, how much food would be supplied, what quality, etc. They may have described the local as being close to shopping opportunities when in fact it is in a poor rural area whose greatest retailer of women's clothes is the Lane Bryant shop.
So some of this yin and yang is what is at work when providers leave establishments more quickly than we expect them to do so. There are other issues as well of course. For instance in a place like the greater Metro Atlanta area where there have been a great many raids of late, you have a situation where a young woman with ambition may have come to town expecting that if she had ambition she would work her way up by gaining experience in one establishment and then move from one to the other until she had learned how to manage a place. Now due to the scarcity of spas in the former large numbers, she has to re-examine her former plan.
But above all, it is necessary for the mamasan can make the girls believe that through her running of the show, she can provide her girls the opportunity at least not to grow poor during their stay. Keep in mind that although these working girls may seem to you and me to be making an exhorbitant amount of money, many of them blow it on clothing, others send it back to support their children who are being cared for in another American city or in another country entirely. A small perceneforum.xxxe of them are blowing their money on drugs. But I think that in general they live from one hand to the next. So a single deal put together by the mamas which show that they can each make out semi-well even when their only enough customers for one gal, will often allay the fears of a number girls.
But as I said the bottom line is that the punter should be prepared to "take care of" both girls. And unless mamasan offers it explicitly, the punter should expect to pay house fee for both girls.
Well that's it for now. Take care of those lovely young women as you would wish your sister to be taken care of were she in desparate enough straits to offer her pussy for sale. And if she does offer it up for sale and it's nice stuff, please tell old Lex about it, contact numbers, etc.

Lex does enjoy a bit of strange now and again, all the more so if its the milf type of innocent undpected stuff that one did not expect to be on offer. But Lex likes his gals to go unshaven. That lends an even greater air of innocence to the who thing which does not suggest that this gal has done everything to herself to attract punters. It suggests she may not be overused, callous, jaded, and with a hard personality. We like the innocent unsuspecting ones whom we can teach something to. Something which will render them exquisitely viable in our hands.